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TO:  © 2020 Amnesty International USA

311 W 43rd Street, 7th Floor

New York, NY 10036

Dear Amnesty International,

I have tried to keep up with the fate of The Border Children and their families.  I have blogged.  I have filled out surveys.  I listen to and read the news.  But there is something that I never hear about and that is ……

Will Trump be charged with Kidnapping and Child Abuse?  Will he be held Accountable?  Will he spend time, a long time, in prison for the Atrocities that he has inflicted on helpless children and babies and their families?  Will all those who carried out his orders be held accountable and put in prison for the rest of their lives?

It tears my heart out to think that Trump and his minions will walk free in three months or four years.  Will Trump ever be held accountable?  Of all the stuff he has done, the treatment of The Border Children is surely the most egregious of all his offenses.  Why do we continue to look at his taxes when he has cost the lives of thousands of Children? 

I see shades of Hitler in Trump, Crimes Against Humanity.  We cannot let Trump walk Free!  It would be unforgivable.

Thank you.

Signed….. Your Name
