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Remember the story?  Two loaves of bread and five fish fed 5000 people.  I look upon that story not as a miracle but as a Parable.  It occurs to me here in the evening of November 4, 2020, that there is more to the story.

As we wait for all the Votes to be counted, I have been asking myself, why have we allowed Trump to stay in office despite the fact that he has committed many crimes and some of those are Crimes Against Humanity?  Won’t it be great if Biden wins and we get some Normalcy here?

And then it occurred to me, if we want Normalcy For Ourselves, then we have to want it For the Rest of the World.  While we heal ourselves, we need to be healing hundreds of millions of people who have virtually nothing.

The Feeding of the Five Thousand is not about miracles, it is our Mission to Care for the World.

We have a big Job ahead of us.



As long as Poverty, Injustice and gross Inequality persist in our world, None of us can truly rest.



There is no They.  We will sink or swim together.  We are here to awaken from the Illusion of Our Separateness.



I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have Three Meals a day for their Bodies, Education and Culture for their Minds, and Dignity, Equality, and Freedom for their Spirits.  I believe that what Self-Centered men have torn down, Other-Centered men can build up.
